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Project Coordinating Twinning partnerships TOwards more adaptive GOvernance in river basins

The project Twin2Go reviews, consolidates, and synthesises research on integrated water resources management in basins around the world. The aim is to draw policy relevant results on issues around adaptive water governance in the context of climate change and to make them transferable to other basins. Twin2Go further promotes sharing of research results with practitioners and high level decision makers through effective dialogue.

Twin2Go reviews, consolidates, and synthesises research on integrated water resources management (IWRM) in basins around the world. Over the past years, the EU has funded several projects that undertook research on specific IWRM issues in case studies carried out on twinned river basins in Europe and in developing countries. The aim of Twin2Go now is to draw policy relevant research results on issues around ‘adaptive water governance in the context of climate change' and to make them transferable to other basins.

The consolidated outcomes will feed into best practice guidelines for the implementation of adaptive water governance. To ensure up-take of the research results in water resources management practice and political decision making, all synthesis activities will involve stakeholders from the projects and basins and outcomes will be effectively disseminated to all relevant levels of target groups including high level decision makers in water policy.

Twin2Go is a Coordinating Activity funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme from June 2009 until May 2011. It is coordinated by Prof. Claudia Pahl-Wostl, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. For more information on Twin2Go's approach and activities, the projects involved, and basins studied. 

Project number n/a
Acronym Twin2Go
Geographical coverage Germany, Denmark, Thailand, Russian Federation, Belgium, Hungary
Budget (in €) 0
Programme EU-FP7
Web site
Objectives The failure of governance systems has been identified as being one of the most important reasons for increased vulnerability to water related disasters. Successful governance in river basin management depends on adaptive institutions able to cope with complexity and uncertainty. The EU has established a significant portfolio of research projects on issues of integrated water resources management (IWRM). However, to accelerate the pace at which water management practices and water policy move towards integrated approaches, more importance needs to be given to effective communication of research results and to constructive engagement with stakeholders from all levels, including political decision makers. Against this background, Twin2Go’s objectives are: to review, compare, synthesize and consolidate the outcomes of several EU-funded projects that undertook research on specific IWRM issues in basins around the world to draw context-sensitive but transferable approaches for improving adaptive water resources management with regards to adaptive water governance to formulate policy-relevant best practices and tools for implementing adaptive water governance and for improving the uptake of research results to disseminate outcomes effectively to relevant stakeholders at the policy level.
Results Twin2Go will undertake the following activities: elaborating a diagnostic approach that allows comparative analysis and synthesis of past and on-going research project (Work Package 1) analysing and consolidating research results to draw appropriate context-sensitive approaches for improving adaptive water resources management (Work Package 2) formulating best practices and tools for the implementation of adaptive water resources management (Work Package 3) disseminating synthesis results and communicating in a dialogue with water management practitioners, stakeholders and political decision makers in a series of workshops (Work Package 4)
Period [01/06/2009 - 31/05/2011]