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Project Enhancement of Jordan-European S&T Partnerships

U-JordanNet aims at increasing research cooperation between Jordan and Europe. The Focus will is on three thematic areas: Environment, Health and ICT. A specific awareness activity will focus on the new Marie Curie activities. The project will also develop a S&T Observatory on Jordanian Research and Technology co-operation with Europe, enabling the research institution in Jordan to follow in quantitative and qualitative terms its position in Jordanian and world scientific and technological production. 

Networking among Jordanian & European researchers 
EU-JordanNet will organise six 'Thematic Partner Days' events on specific FP7 thematic areas in Jordan. Each of these 3-day events will focus on (a) Awareness Creation (understanding FP7 and the principle of collaborative projects), (b) Training on proposal writing (with concrete examples), and (c) Creating Partnerships (brokerage events with European participants).


EU-JordanNet Partners

  Name   Country
1 (Co-ordinator) Higher Council of Science and Technology HCST Jordan
2 Princess Sumaya University for Technology PSUT Jordan
3 Royal Scientific Society RSS Jordan
4 Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation JEDCO Jordan
5 IT Consult GmbH ITC Germany
6 Agence universitaire de la Francophonie AUF Belgium

Project number 244082
Acronym EU-JordanNet
Geographical coverage Jordan,Germany,Belgium,
Budget (in €) 0
Programme FP7 Capacities Programme
Web site
Jordan has been well served with numerous FP awareness actions over the recent years which have also created an institutional framework in the country for providing assistance and in-formation on the FP7 Programme. However, there is still a somewhat scattered picture with respect to FP awareness since many activities were one-time events, little co-ordinated amongst themselves and often not very thematic-oriented (with the exception of the ICT Theme, which is funding its own Support Activities). Furthermore, little is known in Jordan about the PEOPLE Programme, which would be highly interesting to Jordanian stakeholders. EUJordanNet, which is coordinated by the Jordanian NCP, aims at enhancing and developing the S&T Partnership - in close cooperation with the SRTD Project - through the following objectives:
Objective 1: Capacity Building. Support the Jordanian NCP and the national network of FP7 contact points in universities and research centres by enhancing the understanding of the structure and the procedures of the FP7 Co-operation and People Programmes and through training in management of international contracts in the research area.
Objective 2: S&T Awareness and Co-operation. Improve science and technology co-operation between Jordan and the EU member states by creating awareness about the thematic areas of FP7 among the Jordanian researchers and the private industry through specialised thematic workshops, training Jordanians on how to write FP7 proposals, and promoting the Policy Dialogue with the relevant policy makers in Jordan.
Objective 3: Information and Partner Service. Development of information facilities to provide a wide range of services to the Jordanian research community as well as the research administrators of the information points
Objective 4: Promote the PEOPLE Programme in Jordan to increase the exchange of Jordanian researchers with their European counterparts through awareness meetings in Jordan addressing the research community and training of administrative staff on the spe-cific procedures of the Marie Curie Actions.
Objective 5: Create an S&T Observatory on Jordanian Research and Technology co-operation, based on a set of indicators it aims at comparing the changing profiles and positions of R&D actors.
Objective 6: The SRTD project. Develop synergies and complementarities with the SRTD project and support the process of implementing the S&T Agreement between Jordan and the EU.
Period [01/01/2007 - 31/12/2013]