Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Project Innovative decentralised Energy and Water Management Policies can encourage the creation of a market economy and help rural development

- The project want to promote new models for a sustainable rural development in non-electrified small-medium villages of the Third Mediterranean Countries (TMC) by means of the creation of local organisation (SMEs, co-operative, NGO) using as far as possible the Water Management (W.M.) and the new Renewable Energies (R.E.) technologies developed in RTD EU programmes.

- To this purpose it needs to identify the main barriers to the introduction of this scheme and to develop policy guidelines able to overcome these barriers.
- The methodology of the project is based on thematic meetings with specific topics logically connected, on seminars for the training of local experts and on the creation of a WEB site.

Project number IC18-CT-1998-0289
Subject(s) MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION , no translation available , no translation available
Acronym MED-POL
Geographical coverage Morocco, Jordan, Malta, Italy, Portugal
Budget (in €) n/a
Programme INCO-MED (FP5)

- The launch of national programmes for water/energy sustainable management in isolated rural areas in each TMC, the involvement of EU economic operators in joint venture with TMC companies for production, installation, distribution, financing of initiatives and the creation of a stable network among partners and other interested private and public subjects are the main expected outcomes of the project.

- The dissemination of the activities will be carried out by brochures, WWW project site and a workshop organised as 6th project meeting.

ACHIEVED RESULTS: (10/10/2000)

- Three meeting already organised ( Catania Italy- Tunis Tunisia - Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain ) Good knowledge and understanding of available past and present experiences in water management and renewable energy technologies with specific reference to overcoming of the financial barriers for each partner’s country.
Period [01/12/1998 - 01/04/2002]


  • Conphoebus Scrl - Istituto di Ricerche per le Energie Rinnovabili e il Risparmio Energetico
    Istituto di Ricerche per le Energie Rinnovabili e il Risparmio Energetico
    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country ITALY
    Contact MORGANA Beniamino,
    Position: Scientific Leaders
    Phone/fax: +39-095-7489220 , +39-095-291246