Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Project Water demand management knowledge base in the Mediterranean

 - The project WADEMED  constitute an integrated knowledge base on water demand management experiences, including the comparison of modern and traditional irrigation techniques and their impact on effective irrigation efficiency, the designing and implementing of economic instruments and their impact on irrigated agriculture and the water resources, and new institutional arrangements to associate water users associations to water demand management.

- On each of these themes, an international seminar will be organised, yielding proceedings and policy briefs. WADEMED will particularly promote the dissemination of the acquired knowledge in the field of water demand management. A bilingual web-site will de developed to share the information to the general public A reference book will be edited to support this effort.

Project number ICA3-CT-2002-10014
Subject(s) no translation available
Geographical coverage Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain
Budget (in €) 749606
Programme INCO MED (FP5)
Web site
Objectives -The aims of WADEMED are to establish a knowledge base on water demand management.
- It endeavours to:

1) synthesise and share existing experiences in the application of modern irrigation techniques, the shared management of irrigation systems, and in the application of water saving policies in the Mediterranean;
2) promote a common multidisciplinary framework for assessing the impact of improved irrigation technologies and water use efficiency policies in order to facilitate comparisons between case studies;

3) provide policy recommendations for improving new technologies acceptability and effective transfer;
4) favour the emergence of regional expert groups, who can be called upon by policy makers, managers, researchers and farmers' groups for the analysis and evaluation of water use efficiency policies and technologies;
5) disseminate to a larger public the acquired knowledge on water demand and use in irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean.
Period [01/01/2003 - 31/12/2006]


  • CIRAD, Département Territoires, Environnement et Acteurs (TERA),
    Center International Co-operation In Agronomic research For the development
    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country France
    Web site
    Contact Mr. Kuper Marcel,
    Position: Dr.
    Phone/fax: +33 4 67 61 58 00, +33 4 67 61 59 86
  • Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique D'algerie
    Genie Rural
    Country Algeria
    Contact Mr. Mohand Mouloud Bellal,
    Position: Dr.
    Phone/fax: ,
  • Institut National de Recherches En Genie Rural, Eaux et forets
    Utilisation Des Eaux Marginales, Gestion Des Systemes D'irrigation Et Amenagement Hydro-agricoles

    Country Tunisia
    Web site
    Contact Mr. Mohamed Nejib Rejeb ,
    Position: Dr.
    Phone/fax: (+216) 71 287 110 / 71 289 431 / 71 892 785,
  • Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II

    Departement Du Genie Rural

    Country Morocco
    Web site
    Contact Mr. Fouad Guessous,
    Position: Directeur Général
    Phone/fax: ,