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News Parliament tightens EU groundwater pollution rules & Mixed signals on Groundwater Protection

The European Parliament has voted to beef up EU standards to limit the levels of nitrates and pesticides in groundwater, which supply Europeans with some two-thirds of drinking water. The European Parliament on 13 June backed proposals to tighten a 1980's directive that seeks to prevent groundwater from pollution by agricultural residues such as pesticides and other harmful chemicals. The text will now return to the EU Council of Ministers for approval in second reading. See EurActiv website for further information. On the other hand, The European Parliament voted also on changes to an EU Groundwater Directive, rejecting the Council's position which contains few binding proposals, making this law little more than a statement of intent. According to EEB (the European Environmental Bureau) and RSPB (the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), these loopholes sacrifice the safety and security of two-thirds of the EU's drinking water supplies to damaging agricultural practices and polluting industries. See EEB website for full details.

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information EEB
Keyword(s) groundwater, pollution
Geographical coverage EC
News date 20/06/2006
Working language(s) ENGLISH