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News Panorama of regional cooperation with the Neighborhood countries funded under the ENPI

Two new EuropeAid publications entitled "Our Neighbours: Panorama of Regional Programmes and Projects" (2010), one on cooperation with the Southern Countries and the other covering cooperation with the Eastern European Countries, are now available on-line.

The publications, known as "Info Notes", highlight concrete cooperation actions undertaken under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) and within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). They are both available in English (Info Notes East, Info Notes South) and French (Info Notes East, Info Notes South), and also in Arabic (Info Notes South) and in French and Russian (Info Notes East).

These concise publications include an updated, brief outline of each programme and project funded, with the amount given, its duration, objectives and what it does. Each fiche includes "Actions in brief" from where one can see at a glance examples of activities undertaken, as well as the project's website.

They begin with an account of relations between the EU and the Neighbourhood countries and are divided in chapters reflecting policy priorities.

They also have a section dedicated to the Multi-Country Cooperation Instruments, explaining what they are and giving links to where more information can be found.

Both editions were done in cooperation with the ENPI Info Centre.

The Arabic and Russian editions, as well as all individual fiches, are available on the Info Centre's website:

Info Notes East
  Info Notes South

EuropeAid cooperation with the Neighbours

Contact information n/a
News type Inbrief
File link
Source of information ENPI Info Centre's website
Keyword(s) ENPI
Geographical coverage Euromed
News date 17/12/2009
Working language(s) ENGLISH