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Document Water sector governance in Africa

The AfDB launched during the 3rd Africa Water week two major reports. The “Water sector governance in Africa” report finds that poor governance has been a major reason for the poor record of sustainability of water and sanitation services affecting millions of Africans. 

The “Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery for urban and rural water and sanitation” touch upon a very critical issue for all water sectorinvestments: how to ensure that water and sanitation services are financially viable, in addition to being environmentally and socially sustainable?

Creator AfDB
Publisher AfDB
Type of document Report
Rights Public
File link
File link local Vol_1-2_WATER_SECTOR_GOVERNANCE.pdf (PDF, 7863 Kb)
Source of information AfDB
Keyword(s) Water governance
Subject(s) no translation available , no translation available , no translation available , no translation available
Geographical coverage Africa